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Wasps could be considered as beneficial insects as they collect insect larva and carrion to feed to their larva but are regarded as a nuisance and threat to health due to their painful sting.  The treatment for wasp nests is relatively simple and in nearly all cases will only require one visit.


The most ideal time to spray the nest is at the beginning or end of the day when wasp numbers within the nest will be at their highest but this is not prerequisite for a successful treatment.  Disturbing a nest is liable to cause an aggressive reaction from the wasp colony and we would highly recommend that only a qualified and suitably dressed pest technician carries out the nest treatment.





There are two species of wasp that are the most common in the UK; the Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) and the German Wasp (Vespula germanica).  


The queen will hibernate over the winter, constructing a new nest each spring.  She will begin by constructing a canopy and a series of hexagonal cells, all from layers of wasp paper; made from chewing wood and other plant debris with saliva.  Eggs are laid in the first tier of cells which will develop into female worker wasps. The workers will take on the responsibility of constructing and maintaining the nest while the queen concentrates on egg-laying.


As the season progresses, so the hatched wasps will be the males and new queens.  The males fertilise the new queens who in turn seek out new hibernation sites for the winter.  By the end of the summer, one nest can contain over 20,000 wasps.  



We’re here to help with your wasp problem.



Call Hemingford Pest Control on 07736 327808 or 01296 620490

Email us at info@hemingfordpestcontrol.co.uk