bedbug resized


In some parts of the UK, mole populations are said to have doubled and the tell-tale molehills are appearing in more and more new locations.  At Hemingford Pest Control and MartynforMoles we are experiencing an increase in calls for mole control across Buckinghamshire.

In the true sense, moles are not considered pests. However, as anyone who has had moles in their garden can confirm, they can do a lot of damage to any lawn, with an adult mole being able to dig up to 30 metres of new tunnel each day.  Our experience tells us that the sooner the moles are dealt with, the easier and quicker the job will be.

So if the 'little chap in the velvet jacket' is causing problemns in your garden or paddock then call us without delay.


 We’re here to help with your mole problem.


Click here if you would like to read more information regarding moles and how we control them.

Call Hemingford Pest Control on 07736 327808 or 01296 620490

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